Licence in salesforce

A user license determines the baseline of features that the user can access. Every user must have exactly one user license.
Salesforce offers these license types.

Profile in salesforce

·   Profiles define how users access objects and data, and what they can do within the application. When you create users, you assign a profile to each one. or we can say Set of permissions called profile
·     License must required.
·     When we are not assign profile to user license is not count.
·  A profile controls “Object permissions, Field permissions, App settings, Tab settings, Apex class access, Visual force page access, Login hours & Login IP ranges.
·  You can define profiles by user’s job function. For example System Administrator, Developer, Sales Representative.
·    A profile can be assigned to many users, but user can be assigned single profile at a time.

How many profile you can create
Ans - Depend on licence

Profile doesnot have delete option, it is not deleted it is deactivate

Types of profiles in salesforce
1. Standard profiles: By default salesforce provide below standard profiles. We cannot deleted standard ones.

1.    Read Only,
2.    Standard User,
3.    Marketing User,
4.    Contract Manager,
5.    Solution Manager &
6.    System Administrator. 

  Each of these standard one includes a default set of permissions for all of the standard objects available on the platform.
  2. Custom Profiles: Custom ones defined by us. They can be deleted if there are no users assigned with that particular one.

Navigation: setup -> Administer -> Manage users -> Profiles

   Login hour
   Login hour restriction are set for the user profile,
   any login attempt outside the specified hour is denied

Login IP Range

If IP Address Restriction are defined for the user’s profile ,
any login attempt from an unknown IP address is denied

Security in salesforce

    1.  Internal Security –
  1. Profile
  2. Permission set
  3. OWD  (Organization wide default)
  4. User
  5. Role
  6. Sharing Rule
2.  External Secuity – Salesforce is responsible for that
Security Overview
Salesforce understands that the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of our customers' information are vital to their business operations and our own success. We use a multi-layered approach to protect that key information, constantly monitoring and improving our application, systems, and processes to meet the growing demands and challenges of security.
Secure data centers
Our service is collocated in dedicated spaces at top-tier data centers. These facilities provide carrier-level support, including:
Access control and physical security
  • 24-hour manned security, including foot patrols and perimeter inspections
  • Biometric scanning for access
  • Dedicated concrete-walled Data Center rooms
  • Computing equipment in access-controlled steel cages
  • Video surveillance throughout facility and perimeter
  • Building engineered for local seismic, storm, and flood risks
  • Tracking of asset removal
Environmental controls
  • Humidity and temperature control
  • Redundant (N+1) cooling system
  • Underground utility power feed
  • Redundant (N+1) CPS/UPS systems
  • Redundant power distribution units (PDUs)
  • Redundant (N+1) diesel generators with on-site diesel fuel storage
  • Concrete vaults for fiber entry
  • Redundant internal networks
  • Network neutral; connects to all major carriers and located near major Internet hubs
  • High bandwidth capacity
Fire detection and suppression
  • VESDA (very early smoke detection apparatus)
  • Dual-alarmed, dual-interlock, multi-zone, pre-action dry pipe water-based fire suppression
Secure transmission and sessions
  • Connection to the Salesforce environment is via TLS cryptographic protocols, using global step-up certificates, ensuring that our users have a secure connection from their browsers to our service
  • Individual user sessions are identified and re-verified with each transaction, using a unique token created at login
Network protection
  • Perimeter firewalls and edge routers block unused protocols
  • Internal firewalls segregate traffic between the application and database tiers
  • Intrusion detection sensors throughout the internal network report events to a security event management system for logging, alerts, and reports
  • A third-party service provider continuously scans the network externally and alerts changes in baseline configuration
Disaster Recovery
  • The Salesforce service performs real-time replication to disk at each data center, and near real-time data replication between the production data center and the disaster recovery center
  • Data are transmitted across encrypted links
  • Disaster recovery tests verify our projected recovery times and the integrity of the customer data
  • All data are backed up to tape at each data center, on a rotating schedule of incremental and full backups
  • The backups are cloned over secure links to a secure tape archive
  • Tapes are not transported offsite and are securely destroyed when retired
Internal and Third-party testing and assessments tests all code for security vulnerabilities before release, and regularly scans our network and systems for vulnerabilities. Third-party assessments are also conducted regularly:
  • Application vulnerability threat assessments
  • Network vulnerability threat assessments
  • Selected penetration testing and code review
  • Security control framework review and testing
Security Monitoring
Our Information Security department monitors notification from various sources and alerts from internal systems to identify and manage threats.


The convertLead Database method converts a lead into an account and contact, as well as (optionally) an opportunity. TheconvertLead takes an instance of the Database.LeadConvert class as a parameter. 


This example shows how to use the Database.convertLead method to convert a lead. It inserts a new lead, creates aLeadConvert object, sets its status to converted, then passes it to the Database.convertLead method. Finally, it verifies that the conversion was successful.

Lead myLead = new Lead(LastName = 'Fry', Company='Fry And Sons');
insert myLead;

Database.LeadConvert lc = new Database.LeadConvert();

LeadStatus convertStatus = [SELECT Id, MasterLabel FROM LeadStatus WHERE IsConverted=true LIMIT 1];

Database.LeadConvertResult lcr = Database.convertLead(lc);