· Profiles define how users access objects and data, and what they can do within the application. When you create users, you assign a profile to each one. or we can say Set
of permissions called profile
· License
must required.
· When
we are not assign profile to user license is not count.
· A profile controls “Object
permissions, Field permissions, App settings, Tab settings, Apex class access,
Visual force page access, Login hours & Login IP ranges.
· You can
define profiles by user’s job function. For example System Administrator,
Developer, Sales Representative.
· A profile can be assigned to many
users, but user can be assigned single profile at a time.
How many profile you can create
Ans - Depend on licence
doesnot have delete option, it is not deleted it is deactivate
Types of
profiles in salesforce
profiles: By default salesforce provide below standard profiles.
We cannot deleted standard ones.
1. Read Only,
2. Standard User,
3. Marketing User,
4. Contract Manager,
5. Solution Manager &
6. System Administrator.
Each of these standard one includes a default set of
permissions for all of the standard objects available on the platform.
2. Custom Profiles: Custom ones defined by us.
They can be deleted if there are no users assigned with that particular one.
Navigation: setup -> Administer -> Manage users -> Profiles
Login hour
Login hour restriction are set for the
user profile,
any login attempt
outside the specified hour is denied
IP Range
If IP Address Restriction are defined
for the user’s profile ,
login attempt from an unknown IP address is denied